Supplies, tools, and know-how; AH is your resource center for almost every need and question.
Feed, bedding, feeders and more. Keep your girls happy and healthy. Find your supplies and answers here.
Start with a family-friendly kit, then graduate to more challenging species. Enjoy a delicious year-round harvest.
Agricultural Hall in a nutshell...

Agricultural Hall is Boston's urban grange; a store, a resource center, and a hangout for urban aggie-types (agri-nerds?) to share their agriculture-related experiences, explore new ideas, and just "shoot the breeze."
From the store at 245 Amory Street we sell a wide range of urban agriculture supplies, primarily beekeeping equipment and chicken husbandry supplies, but also solid, practical, and inspiring goods and tools. Our tendencies are:
- > To carry organic, recycled, readily recyclable,
- handmade, and/or locally made products;
- > To sell in bulk when possible, thereby helping you keep your costs and packaging footprint to a minimum;
- > To only carry well-made, durable products that you will cherish and use for a lifetime; and
- > To be a resource/referral center for anyone looking for answers to agriculture-related questions.
Agricultural Hall also organizes classes in all manner of urban agriculture. Schedules and sign-up instructions can be found at our Workshops page. Whether a novice beekeeper, a weathered gardener, or a hard-core canner, you will find new and interesting topics to explore among Agricultural Hall's workshops.