Agricultural Hall

An Urban Agriculture Supply & Resource Center

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News & Events

Winter seems real this year!  Snow on the ground for the holidays, pond skating,...  Speaking of which, there's some awesome pond skating out there.  Don't miss out!

The Agricultural Hall maple syrup evaporator will boil again at the Boston Nature Center on March 1st & 2nd!  Register here to attend this fun, educational, and tasty event:  (March 1), and (March 2) 

For upcoming Ag Hall workshops & happenings, check the Workshops calendar here

Agricultural Hall?

In 1818, the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture built the original Agricultural Hall on Dighton Street in Brighton.  It served as the hub of the Brighton Fair and Cattle Show, one of the earliest and largest such fairs in the country.  In 1829, "a 17-pound turnip, a 19-pound radish, and a bough on which pears hung like a cluster of grapes were among the outstanding exhibits of that year."  In 1844 the building was moved to its present location at the corner of Chestnut Hill Avenue and Washington Street.

Dr. William P. Marchione & 

The Bostonian Society

Brighton Allston Historical Society

Agricultural Hall

245 Amory Street

Jamaica Plain, MA  02130

617-388-7378  /  e-mail Ag Hall

Open daily by appt.  Calling ahead is always a good idea.

New Block

If you have events to add or edit, give me a shout.

Bees: There are several very experienced beekeepers living in metro-Boston, and they offer everything from beginner classes to more in-depth explorations and hands-on workshops.  AH also offers classes and workshops from time to time in various aspects of managing hives.  Keep checking here for class dates, or send me an email and I will let you know when dates are set.

Foraging:  Working on this one.  Winter foraging would be a fantastic workshop.  Spring is the best time to forage.  Look for future class announcements here, or feel free to send me an email here, and I will notify you when classes are scheduled.

Canning & Pickling: Nothing like opening a jar of your own preserves, or biting into pickles made in your kitchen -- an entirely new experience.  Now's your chance.  Fill your larder and your gift baskets with your creations.  Try it now -- lots of YouTube tutorials.  Or keep checking here for class dates.  Alternatively, send me an email and I will let you know when dates are set.   

Gardening: Setting up these classes soon. Send me an email if you would like to know when dates are set.  Also, let me know where your interest lie and/or if there are other workshops you would like us to offer.

  • Soils --  
  • Tools & Tool Care, 
  • Raised Beds
  • Vertical Gardening

Cheese: AH is courting several potential cheese-makers.  In the meantime, we will offer a basic cheese making class for mozzarella and ricotta cheeses.  Stay tuned, and if you'd like to be notified when the classes are scheduled, send me an email.

Yougurt, Sour Cream, and Sourdough Starters: Same as above... workshops are coming.

Maple Sugaring:  You're always overjoyed when the season begins, and happy when it comes to an end.  It can be taxing and time consuming, but it's always fun.  Not sure there'll be any sugaring in JP this spring, but stay tuned...   

Chickens: It's not terribly complicated, but there's nothing like hearing advice from others to jump-start your chicken farming experience.   If you'd like to be notified when classes become available, send me an email.

Mushrooms: Ag Hall's mushroom buddy, Myco-cosm, has disbanded.  A Dorchester friend has a mad mushroom setup at his house -- perhaps a field-trip in the making?  

BTW, with enough notice you can buy kits at our Amory Street store.  With indoor kits you could be harvesting your homegrown oyster mushrooms in as little as three weeks.

Composting & Vermicomposting (worm composting):  The City is full of composting workshops, but vermicomposting is not as common, yet it is extremely effective, educational & fun.  We will offer workshops in both, and the outdoor composting workshop will teach how to build a simple bin with found and free materials.  Send me an email and I will notify you when workshops are scheduled. 

Do you have a category of urban agriculture you would like to see here?  Grafting?  Pigeon racing?  If so, give a call.